From Real to Digital

This was a high school project, where we were learning about colour theory and proportions. The project consisted of finding a picture in a magazine and using it as a reference to freehand draw/paint whatever we saw. I chose to use this picture of figs because it shows a variety of earthy colours and depth which would challenge me when actually painting it (getting the blurry look in the background).
Tools: Gouache paint
Project Type: Academic
Year: 2019
After finishing the previous painting, I decided to make a digital version of it on my own. I created this personal project because traditional and digital art are both very big parts of my life. This combined project illustrates the variety of mediums I am able to work with and adapt to.
Tools: Procreate
Project Type: Personal
Year: 2019
Creative Reality
Recently, as an artist there have come times where I have felt burnt out, unmotivated, and mentally exhausted. So when finding a purpose for this collage I looked to individuals who have inspired me and fell upon a song called Black Swan by BTS. The song examines the struggle and fear people face when they start losing their passion for certain things. Basing my college off of the song and my own personal experiences, I chose to use a neutral colour palette as well as use European aesthetics based around the frame which was taken during my trip to Casa Loma.
Tools: Photoshop
Project Type: University Project
Year: 2021

Each selection in my collage is placed strategically to follow a light source that represents even the slightest bit of positivity. But on the darker side, it creates a powerful message of how it feels to be creatively unmotivated. The face in the middle represents how I see myself, and due to its vague facial features, it allows other individuals to resonate with it too. In general, flowers and crystals represent healing, growth and positive energy, but in this case, they symbolize the opposite. Using the dying roses I found in my house, I decided to place them growing out of what I consider to be the powerhouse for new thoughts; the mind. The roses act as growing ideas that turn into unwanted outcomes. To add on, the crystal dagger is used as a weapon that results in tears and a bleeding nose, which demonstrates the opposite healing properties of a clear crystal.

Never Ending
My piece encompasses the concept of 3-dimensional space as it shows an illusion of a 3D room. As my drawing was created on two-dimensional paper, my use of different cool hues and their placements create the impression that you can move into the painting. To illustrate depth, I decided to find a point in my drawing that would act as a marker for my image to start becoming smaller and smaller, which is seen on the left side. As the shapes continue to get smaller the colours also gradually become a little darker to further help with the illusion of creating a 3D space.
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator
Project Type: University Project
Year: 2021